OLAC Record

Title:Ja Nyi Hte Ja Nga (Ja Nyi and Ja Nga) with English translation
Access Rights:Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Bibliographic Citation:Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), N. Gum Ja Naw (speaker), 2017. Ja Nyi Hte Ja Nga (Ja Nyi and Ja Nga) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0734 at catalog.paradisec.org.au. https://dx.doi.org/10.4225/72/5989e3bf50737
Contributor (compiler):Keita Kurabe
Contributor (depositor):Keita Kurabe
Contributor (speaker):N. Gum Ja Naw
Coverage (Box):northlimit=27.331; southlimit=23.137; westlimit=95.335; eastlimit=98.498
Coverage (ISO3166):MM
Date (W3CDTF):2017-02-10
Date Created (W3CDTF):2017-02-10
Description:Translation (Rita Seng Mai) This is about the history of how the flood occurred. In the past, people didn't have a human's appearance. People looked like monkeys. There were two people called Dum Sumwam and Hkrawp Sin Hkrawn. They had two children: Daru Gumrawn and Magang Sindaw. Daru Gumrawn and Magam Sindaw had children, too. Their names were Daru Chying Nyi and Magam Shabri. Daru Chying Nyi and Magam Shabri's children were Ja Nyi and Ja Nga. Water submerged the earth during their time. Daru Chya Nyi and Magam Shabri said, "We are old. It's okay for us, although we will have to die because of the flood. But we should make sure that Ja Nyi and Ja Nga survive." In the Bible, it was called Noah and the Genesis Flood. According to the Bible, it was about Noah's boat. However, the boat was called 'A-wa-chyin' in our Kachin history. And they let Ja Nyi and Ja Nga ride the boat. They gave them a needle, honey, and a rooster too. And they sent them to Majoi Shingra Bum, where there would be a lake at the top. After spending seven days on the boat, Ja Nyi and Ja Nga sent the rooster outside. The rooster shouted, "The water level has decreased." They checked if the water level really decreased by poking the sole with the needle. However, the water was still submerging. Then they stayed inside for another seven days. After spending another week, they got out of the cabin and saw that the water level had decreased. They looked for any humans, if there were any humans alive. They started looking for anyone who was alive. They noticed smoke in a deep valley. They assumed there would be people. When they went there, they saw a ghoul instead of a human. The ghoul saw them and thought, "It's a lucky day. I have got a meal to eat now." It arrested them. Ja Nyi and Ja Nga were thinking of an idea for how to escape. They told the ghoul, "Grandfather, give us some water, even if you are going to eat us. We came from a faraway place, so we are thirsty. We want to drink water." In the past, the Kachin people used sections of bamboo to carry water. They asked the ghoul to carry water for them. And they secretly made a hole in the bamboo. The ghoul just believed them and went to carry water for them. No matter how much water it tried to fill the bamboo section, the water couldn't be full. Meanwhile, Ja Nyi and Ja Nga ran away. The ghoul was trying its best to fill the bamboo section. At that moment, the egret with a sharp beak flew next to the bamboo section. The ghoul took a look at its section and saw the hole. Then it thought, "This egret made my bamboo section have a hole!" It got angry and chased the egret to kill. On the other hand, Ja Nyi and Ja Nga went to the sky nat. They asked the sky nat to help them. They said, "Help us, please. The old ghoul will definitely follow us by sensing our smell." The sky nat helped them to hide. He let them hide on the shelf above the fireplace. Soon, the ghoul arrived there and asked the sky nat, "This is the last place where I can feel their scent. Have you seen them?" The sky nat replied, "Here is no one. I don't know where they go." The ghoul felt exhausted and lay down there for a while. At that time, Ja Nyi and Ja Nga thought that they would definitely get eaten this time. They secretly cried. Their tear dropped right into the ghoul's mouth. The ghoul asked the sky nat, "I taste delicious soup. What is that? Give me some soup, please." The sky nat said, "That is not soup. That is fermented liquid." The ghoul insisted, "Let me try some." The sky nat said, "No, you can't. But if you really want to drink it, come back after seven days." When the ghoul went back to its place, the sky nat helped Ja Nyi and Ja Nga run away. In the past, people used a big stone pot to boil water. After a week, the sky nat was waiting for the ghoul while boiling water. The ghoul did show up after seven days. It said, "The sky nat, let me drink fermented liquid." He said, "Okay, come here. Come closer. Open your mouth wide." Then he poured hot water into its mouth. It felt so much pain and shouted, "It's really hot! I feel like I am burned! Where do I go? What should I do?" Since then, the ghouls had lived in a deep valley. The sky nat could save Ja Nyi and Ja Nga. He told them, "Go catch some fish. Don't just spend your time without doing anything." As they didn't have any clothes to wear at that time, they had to cover themselves by using banana leaves. They went fishing in the upstream area. They plucked the poisonous leaves, which could make the fish die, and pounded them. While they were doing it, they accidentally kept touching each other. Then the sibling had sexual intercourse. In Jinghpaw, that kind of sibling marriage is called 'ka la la'. In Shan state, they say it is 'ja wan wan'. After that incident, there was that kind of marriage in Kachin society. Ja Nyi and Ja Nga had a baby later. They didn't work at all after the baby was born. They just took care of their child. The sky nat told them, "Ja Nyi and Ja Nga, clean the field and burn the trees. I will take care of the baby. Two of you, go there and work." The baby was crying the whole day. Then the sky nat said, "The baby who is going to have lots of generations, please stop crying." However, the baby cried louder and louder. He got angry and said, "I will cut you into pieces and throw your flesh away!" When he said like that, the baby suddenly stopped crying. The sky nat got mad and killed the baby. He cooked the heart and other intestines for the child's parents. He cut the body into pieces and threw them to the place where a group of boys lived. The group of boys became nats after eating the flesh of the baby, who was born by two parents who were siblings. When Ja Nyi and Ja Nga came back from the field, they told the sky nat, "Grandpa, bring the baby to us. Let's feed him." He just replied, "The baby is still sleeping. Have this soup first." When he sliced the baby's heart to make soup, a piece of it dropped on the ground through the bamboo floor. That piece of heart turned into a snail. When the parents kept asking for the baby, the sky nat changed the conversation and didn't give the baby. They felt suspicious and took a look at the baby. It turned out to be just a tree log. They were mourning and crying so hard. All the trees in the area where they were crying had been dried. Then the sky nat told them, "You two are really bad siblings!" He put them in jail. One morning, an old, hungry tiger appeared out of nowhere. It saw a big snail moving slowly near the water. It thought to eat the snail since it was starving. On the way, the snail begged the tiger, "Please eat me when you arrive at the gate of the Sun Land." The tiger believed the snail and carried it till they arrived there. When they arrived there, the snail said, "Take a rest here. You must be really exhausted." The tiger sat with his back to the snail. At that time, the snail gradually moved forward and hid between the rocks. No matter how hard the tiger tried to take the snail out, it couldn't. It was so starving that it just ate some soil. Therefore, the Kachin people say that a tiger could eat soil when it is hungry. It is also said that when people are poor, there are many clothes everywhere that are used when handling hot cooking utensils. After the tiger had left, the snail came out of the rocks. Ja Nyi and Ja Nga didn't know that the snail was, in fact, their child. It was because the appearance was changed. They told the snail, "Open this lock, please." The snail asked them, "What will I get if I open it?" They said, "We will give you the thing that can never run out. Even your generations might not be able to spend all." They continued, "We will give different types of mushrooms. They are all yours." The snails got various types of mushrooms. They also liked eating mushrooms. The snail used its saliva to open the lock. It could successfully take Ja Nyi and Ja Nga out of there. The younger sister, Ja Nyi, died at a place outside the gate that was not far. She bacame the nat called Lamu Nat. In the Kachin community, the Kachin people used to give offerings to her. The brother, Ja Nga, went to Ning-um Mountain with his fellow and died there. He became a vulture. There were many animals, such as birds and pigs, for the vulture to eat, but it ate only children. That was why he was called Ma Sha Galang, which meant a vulture that ate children. Who was going to kill the vulture? There will be two parts to this event. There was Woi Shi confluence near the Mali Hka River. There was a widow who was cleaning her field there. She got twins with her husband who was a dragon. The twins were Hkai Gam and Hkai Naw. Actually, they were Jahkrai Gam and Jahkrai Naw. (Jahkrai means fatherless or motherless.) When they grew up, they asked their mother about their father. She insisted on not telling the truth. However, she had to tell them who their father was in the end. She told them, "If you want to see your father, go to the white pumpkin field near the Mali Hka River and wait there." There was a dragon who usually came to suck the juice of the white pumpkin flowers. Their mother asked them, "Did you see your father?" They answered, "No, we didn't. We saw just a dragon who came to suck the juice." She said, "It's your father." They thought, "We should catch our father then." They started making an iron rope. They started hitting the hot iron loudly near the Mali Hka River, where the dragon usually slept. Then the dragon sent the crab to ask them to stop hitting things. The crab told the twins, "Can you stop doing it here? My king said he felt dizzy." The twins were annoyed and put the crab into the fire by using the tongs. So the crab turns red when it meets fire today. Later, the dragon sent the shrimp again. It also said, "Don't do it! Our king said he felt dizzy." The twins got mad and put it in the fire too. So the shrimp turns red when it is cooked. Then the dragon sent the carp. It said, "Don't do it! My king feels dizzy because of the sound." The twins poked its nose with an awl. After making the iron rope, they caught the dragon and tied it up. When they tied the dragon up to a tree, the tree was broken. When they tied it up to a big rock, the rock was split in half. Then, the dragon told them, "Tie me up to the elephant grass. Then I won't be able to move." Since then, the Kachin people have used elephant grass to avoid the danger of aquatic animals. After some time, the dragon told them, "Release me, my sons. I will give you the valuable thing." Then they untied the dragon. It also gave names to its two sons. The eldest brother was named 'Danam Gam' and the second son was named 'Danam Naw'. It gave the second son a cross-bow. And it gave the eldest son a sword and a gold basket. The brothers were happy because they had the sword and the bow. Then they built a raft by using the banana trunk and went down to the downstream area. Before they arrived at the confluence, their dragon father saw them and jumped onto the raft because it was theirs. The younger brother was shocked when he saw the dragon, so he cut it with his sword. The raft was broken into half, too. Then the younger brother arrived at the side where the Nmai Hka River existed. The elder brother arrived at the Woi Shi confluence and got married to a female monkey. The younger brother arrived at Nmai Hku. There was a vulture that ate children in there. The villagers called him to kill that vulture. When Hkai Naw climbed up to Ning-um Mountain to check the vulture's nest, it was full of vines, so he couldn't find the vulture's nest. He knew that his brother had the sword, so he went to him. When he arrived at the Mali Hka River, his sister-in-law was looking for stone beetles and eating those beetles. He shouted, "My sister-in-law, is the water deep here?" His sister-in-law just said, "It's as deep as your thigh." Although he asked three times, she gave the same reply. Then he decided to cross the river. On that side of the river, he saw that his brother was taking care of his children. He told his elder brother, "The fierce vulture is eating children in the other village. Let's kill that vulture!" The elder brother was worried about his children and said, "How can I leave my children?" The younger brother said, "Don't worry. Let's search for a lot of food for them." Then they gathered a large amount of food for them, and went to Ning-um Mountain. They cut the 9-foot-long vine and removed the leaves. As soon as they saw the vulture, they killed it. The vulture died at a place called Ntawk Ja Ra Yang. The Kachin people ate that dead vulture. The people who ate drumsticks had abscesses on their thighs. The people who ate its heart vomitted blood and became vicious nats. The wounds occurred on the fingers of those people who ate the vulture's fingers. A giant mushroom grew at the place where the vulture died. The people who passed by picked up the cap of the mushroom. Then they cooked it and ate it. Some people picked the mushroom's stem and ate it. They thought, "Even the stem is this delicious, the cap would definitely be tastier. They became jealous of each other. Since that day, there has been a nat who can cause stomachaches. This is the origin of how different evil nats existed in Kachin society. Transcription (Lu Hkawng) Moi mungkan ga hka n nan lim wa ai a ninghpang npawt maumwi shawng n nan gaw shinggyim masha ngu ai ni shinggyim hkrang n hkrang ai woi hkrang naw hkrang ai hkrung kanu naw nga ai. Dum sumwam ngu yan hkrawp sumwam ngu ai shawng nga na dai yan a kasha she daru gumraw magang sindaw ngu ai yan re, daru gumrawn hte magam sindaw yan a kasha she daru chying nyi magam shabri ngu ai bai nga sai. Dai yan a kasha she Ja nyi yan ja nga ngu ai. Dai a prat hta mungkan ga hka lim wa ai re. Mungkan ga hka lim wa ai shaloi gaw daru chya nyi yan magam shabri gaw an kanu yan kawa gaw gawn kung asak rai sai lim si tim hpa n ra ai, ndai an a kasha Ja nyi yan ja nga lawt yang rai sai ngu na ya Chyum laika hku ngu yang gaw Naw-a sanhpaw li nga na sha mying ma ai. Anhte Wunpawng sha ni a moi jiwoi jiwa prat kaw shamying gaw A-wa-chyin ngu na shamying ma ai da. A-wa-Chyin sha chyaw na dai kata kaw Janyi yan Janga hpe shan rawng shangun na Ula langai mi lagat ganyep tawng mi samyit langai mi Ula langai mi hte majoi sha-u shanyi wa ai de shayawng dat ai da. Sanit ya ding ai shani gaw Ula hpe shinggan de dat yu ai da. Ula goi ai gaw "Tek aka le te majoi sha-u hkyet nga" hkyet ten ai kun ngu na A-wa-chyin htum pa de samyit yu yang hka naw pru ai majaw bai pyit kau na bai rawng nga, bai gahtap sanit ya nga shani shinggan de le yu yang gaw majoi sha-u hkyet mat sai da. Majoi sha-u hkyet nna Janyi yan Janga gaw shinggyim manang n lim si mat ai, n marit si mat ai manang langai sha gaw nga ai kun ngu na tam hkawm wa yang da, Oh krung sum wang sung ai kaw wan hkut maw ai mu ai da. Wan hkut maw ai gaw shinggyim manang rai na re ngu na sa wa yang e, shinggyim masha mung nre sha lawa lep dingla wa nga taw nga ai da. Dai kaw du wa yang lep dingla gaw "Ara rai sai dai ni gaw sha shan pru sai" ngu na shan nau hpe rim tawn da ma ai da. Rim tawn da ai kaw shan nau gaw bawnu ladat hpaji daw nna "Ji dwi e an lahkawng hpe sha na rai tim mung hka naw ja jaw rit an grai tsan ai kawn hkawm wa ai majaw hka grai lu mayu ga ai'' ngu na hka nhtung ngu moi na Jinghpaw gaw gaw kawa ndum dai hpe htumpa de achyaw waw kau na hka ja shangun ai da. Lep dingla gaw Janyi yan Janga a ga kam ti hka shin gat kaw hka sa ja da kade hkap tim hpring ai ngu ai n nga na she na wa dai lamang gaw Ja nyi yan Ja nga gaw rawt hprawng mat wa sai da. Lep dingla gaw hka n hpring hkraw ai nga na hkap chyu hkap nga yang hka u gaw hka masen ai ngu ahpraw ka ka re langai mi shi hka nhtung kawa ndum makau hku jep nga na hka nam de pyen yu wa lamu de ga-aw masem dat yu yang ahtoi htawng lawn re "Hka u oh ra rai sai ngai na hka ndum waw kau ya ai" lu sat hka nga na hkan shachyut hkawm wa ai aten hta Janyi yan Ja nga gaw hprawng ti htaw mahtum mahta dingla hpang de du mat wa ai da. Mahtum mahta dingla hpe "Jidwi e an nau hpe naw makoi la marit ya sha lawa lep dingla wa an nau a hkan manam ti du na ra ai ngu" hpa n ra ai hkum tsan mi hkum myit kaji mi ngu mahtum mahta lup din de makoi da ai da. Lup din ngu ai gaw wan wut ai garap ntsa de na htap lahkawng a ntsa de na tsun ai re, dai de makoi da yang she kade n na yang lep dingla wa bai hkan dep nang ai da. "Jidwi mahtum mahta dingla nang kaw sha shan hkang htum sai law nang kaw n mu ai i" "N nga ai nang kaw n nga ai gara de lai wa ai kun nchye ai'' ngu tsun yang she lep dingla mung ba na galeng taw nga yang lup din de na Janyi yan Ja nga gaw ndai lang gaw manam n law sai sha katuk na sai nga na lagu hkrap ai myi pru si kahte wa yang she lep dingla a ngup kaw ang ai da. "E jidwi mahtum mahta dingla e ndai kaw grai mu ai nsin mung hkrat ai hpa baw rai ta ngai hpe mung jaw lu u law" Dai gaw mahtum mahta tsa hku ngu ai re" ngu "Ya jaw lu rit law jidwi e" "Ya n mai jaw ai nang dai lu mayu yang gaw sanit ya nga ai shani bai sa rit'' dai ni bai nhtang dat ai da. Dai kaw Janyi yan Ja nga hpe bai shayu la na bai makoi tawn sanit ya nga ai shani gaw moi na ga e gaw tup matup ndi nlung hte galaw ndi kaba nlung di di dam kaba hta hpumlum shadu tawn na hkap ai da. Lep dingla gaw sanit ya du ai hte bai sa wa na "Jidwi mahtum mahta dingla e mahtum mahta tsa hku jaw rit law" ngu na hpyi shawn yang she "E sa wa rit nang hkat rit pawt de hkap rit n-gup mahka na nap rit n-gau n hkap na tsap rit ngu na n-gup mahka e hkap ai wa she hpumlum jaw bang dat ya ai da. Hpumlum jaw bang dat ya ai shaloi gaw "Ahte law aka law jidwi mahtum mahta dingla e, si nang nga sai law htang nang nga sai law kanang de yawng ai gara de hprawng na" nga marawn shabang yang she, mahtum mahta dingla matsun ai gaw "Nang hprawng na gaw oh rum-u nga ai de law adawn sun nga ai de law rum she nga ai de law nga daw hpye nga ai de law" ngu na lep dingla hpe matsun dat ai da. Dai shani kaw na dai ni du hkra jahtung nat ni lep ni gaw rum n ran kru sung ai de lung-awt lung-gam shagawn de nga mat wa ai re ai da. Dai kawn na Janyi yan Janga hpe shayu la na she "Nye shu yan e Nga hkwi sa masit nan majoi sha nga ai gaw" ngu dai aten hta gaw Nga hkra raw labu bu wan ji rut htu htu ngu lapu palawng kaja n nga ti Langa lap gawn ai hpe chywi ti shabu ti htaw mali hku gin jaw raw mayu lang tsun ngu ai de Nga hkwi sa shangun ai da. Ru n lang tsun di ti na she ru shatai na htam ngu ai myen ni a (Mahkaw ya) ngu ai grai masa dik ai dai hpe ru shatai na adup ai. Adup yang she na htam wa oh gama nang gama oh hkra nan hkra re na dai kaw kanau kana kahpu kanau mading dabrang mat ai da. Dai shani kaw na Wunpawng sha ni a ka la la ai ngu kahpu kanau shada shut hkat ai sam mung ga gaw ja wan wan ai ngu ai re dai shaloi kawn na Ka la la nguna nga wa nga ai, dai kaw shan kanau kana shut ai kaw kasha langai kap wa ai, la kasha langai kap wa ai, wa na ma shangai ngut ai hpang bungli gaw n galaw kasha chyu aw-lak kasha chyu mahkaw na nga re yang she mahtum mahta dingla gaw "Nye shu yan e yi hkyen sa masu ma gaw jidwi woi ga" ngu na shan hpe sa shangun na ma gaw hkrap chyu hkrap da, shani tup hkrap mahtum mahta dingla e gaw "Mungkan ga hpyi let mayat na mara na byak na kasha e sim u law" ngu yang she grau grau hkrap re na "Ma nang ngai ye azat htau shala ahkat ti mahku de agat chyawm kahtuk sha a e" ngu hkap zim wa ai da. Dai nga yang she kaja wa sat ti she atawk ti masin salum ni gaw kanu yan kawa hpe hpa shadu jaw da ai da. Shan gaw yawng hkak nna htaw jahku ning byaw de agat kabai kau ai da. Dai janyi yan janga a kahpu kanau shada shut ai ka la la ai kasha na shan agat kau ai jahku ning byaw de agat kau ai dai wa ya dai ni la jahku la ni n mai ning jum masha ni marawn nat tai mat ai re. Shana kanu yan kawa wa yang gaw "Jidwi e ma woi wa rit law chyu jaw ga gaw ma grai yup pyaw nga ai hpa naw lu mu" ngu kasha hpa jaw lu ai da. Rai na dai hpa shadu na ngu na sin gadoi ai kaw sin hkyep langai mi npu chying hkyen hku ai hku hkrat mat wa dai shing hkyep dai wa dai ni lapawp ngu tai mat wa ai re da. Rai yang gaw kanu yan kawa gaw nau hpyi jing na n jaw ai nga yang she sa kalap yu yang gaw hpun tawng hpe nba magap da ai da. Ma zawn zawn re dai kawn na Janyi yan Janga gaw hkrap chyu hkrap hkawm shan mang yawng nna hkrap ai de na hpun kawa namsi namda, tsin du tsin ngawn yawng hkraw si mat ai da. Dai majaw mahtum mahta dingla wa mungkan ga ntsa e nan nau gaw nhkru dik ai n kaja dik ai kanau kana yan kahpu kanau yan rai mit dai ngu na htaw jan htaw de bang kau ai da. Jan htaw de rawng nga yang gaw lahpawt mi gaw Sharaw dingla langai mi gaw kansi na dai de lai hkawm hka raw kaw she Lapawp kaba langai hkawm nga ai hku Lapawp dai gaw mi janyi yan janga a kasha sin hkyep tai ai Lapawp sha na ngu kansi ai nga dai makyet ti hpai mat wa htaw wa hkrang kaw du yang she Lapawp tsun ai "E sharaw kaba e, ngai hpe sha na rai yang oh jan htaw chyinghka lam kaw du yang sha u law" Lapawp a ga madat ti n sha ai sha hpai mat wa htaw jan htaw chyinghka lam kaw du yang she ya nang ba na ndai naw sa la na sha u shingdu lau re dung nga yang she Lapawp wa gau ngwi ngwi lanyan let oh nlung kyen nlung ga de lup rap bai gayin yu yang gaw mahkyit tim maga tim n dep kau dai jahpawt gaw Sharaw gaw hkan si ai hku nga kansi na ga makrut sha ai da. Ga gawa ai da, dai majaw dai ni jinghpaw ni chye tsun ai Sharaw kansi yang ga kawa ai da. Shinggyim masha matsan yang gaw nba tsup ni shaya ai ga de nga, nga ai re. Re na Sharaw lai mat ai hpang dai Lapawp bai yu wa yang gaw Janyi yan Janga gaw shan a kasha re ai mung nchye mat sai. Oh prat galai mat sai re ai majaw "E pawp la zau gawn e ndai chyinghka hpaw ya mi law" "Ndai hpaw ya yang ngai hpe hpa baw jaw na ma ngu" "Na shu mashi shu masha prat du hkra sha n ma ai kumhpa jaw na" ngu "Den tsun u "Mati kamu pung hkawn gaw nang hpe ap sai" ngu na dai shaloi Lapawp ni hpe mati hkum hkawng gam ma ai. Dai ni du hkra lapawp gaw mati kamu grai ra ai re. Lapawp e shi a ma-yen kum yen hte htawng chyinghka chya na hpawk di Janyi yan Ja nga shinggan du kanau jan Janyi jan gaw dai htawng chyinghka kawn kade ntsan ai kaw si mat sai da. Si na nat bai tai dai ni Jinghpaw myu sha ni nat jaw yang Jan hku lamu mun nna lamu nat hpyi nat ngu jaw ai re. Kahpu wa gaw nan ning-um bum ngu ai de hting hput htingra tam nna wa mat manang tam la na wam hkawm ai kaw si mat ai, Mam sha Galang bai tai ai re, Galang tai Galang tai nna U ni, Wa ni, Gatu hka u ni grai nga ai kaw hta sha shinggyim masha ma chyu hta sha ai da. Dai majaw ma sha Galang ngu ai re. Ma sha Galang dai hpe gap na gaw kadai hpe shaga na i nga yang ndai gaw daw lahkawng rai mat sa, htaw mali hka kau e ya du hkra woi shi zup, dai mali hka ntsa kaw gaida jan yi hkyen ai da. Yi hkyen na wa hkum pu hkumpa tsun ai hpe Baren rau shinggyim hkan sha ai na kanawn ai kaw marun kasha lahkawng lahkawng lu ai da. Dai re hkai naw yan hkai gam gaw lachyum gaw jahkrai naw yan jahkrai gam kawa n lu ai ngu lachyum re marun kasha kaba wa yang she kanu kaw kawa san wa ai da. Ntsun dan shabrang rai yang gaw n tsun dan n mai di na na gaw "Ning wa hpe mu mayu yang gaw le mali hka de wa hkum yi hkyen masu" ngu wa hkum yi hkyen Baren langai mi Wa hkum pu wa chyu chyu re ai da. "Mu sai i ma yan" ngu "Wa gara n mu ai Baren langai wa hkum pu wa chyu ai gaw mu ai dai re law nan wa kawa gaw "Dai yang gaw ndai wa hpe gyit ra ai" ngu na hpyi sumri dum ai da. Mali hka hkau shi yup ai makau kaw dum hpring dum ngu na htum hting jung ngu ai shara nga dup nga yang she Chyahkang hpe dat ai da. Chyahkang gaw "Dai kaw ndup hkum dup mu law shi du a baw gara ai da law" hpa baw n dup ndup ngu na lakap hte matep na wan de kabai bang ai. Ya du hkra Chyahkang wan hte hkra yang ahkyeng re wa hpang e gaw katsu hpe bai lung shangun ai da. "Dai kaw ndup hkum dup mu law tsi du a baw gara ai da law" " Aw nang mu i" ngu na shi hpe mung matep ti wan de kabai bang bai kahtang mat dai wa katsu wa shadu yang n hkut yang ahkyeng rai wa hpang jahtum gaw Nga htang hpe bai dat ai da. Dai kaw ndup hkum dup mu law tsidu a baw gara ai da law "Hpa baw da aw" ngu sum prang de asawt dat ya ladi gam gam rai mat Nga htang re na dup ngut ai hte kawa Baren wa hpe gyit dat ai da. hkai naw yan hkai gam gaw gyit hpun kaw dung tim hpun mung daw mat lung hkrung kaw dung tim lung hkrung ga mat bum kaw dung tim bum mung gyi mat re hpang jahtum gaw Baren wa shadu wa ai da. "E ma yan e wa hpe jahkring mayu yang gaw kyin chyi pawt kaw gyit mi law kyin chyi pawt kaw pai ti gyit yang she hkring lu ai da. Dai shani kawn na chyurum Wunpawng sha ni hka matse hka kaw wawn yawng re yang kyin jing nam dan tsat ai dai shani na maumwi ning pawt lachyum re da. Gyit jahkring tawn na she kawa tsun ai "Ma yan e dat mi ah wa hpe ya nan hpe kumhpa (Amoi) jaw na ngu tsun na dat ya ai da. Mying mung shamying lai ya ai da, dai shani gaw gam wa hpe danam gam ngu naw hpe gaw danam naw ngu rai na Naw wa hpe gaw lamu hkrang n-dan ngu jaw ai da. Gam wa hpe gaw n tawng n htu ngu ai ja shanoi jaw ai da. Shan nau gaw kabu na she nhtu mung lu n dan mung lu ja htu ai mung lu ai majaw mali hka hta langa u, langa hpawn htu nna yawng yu wa yang she nmai yan mali hka zup ai grai ndu ai kaw kawa Baren wa gaw kasha yan kaw nga ti wawn ka-ang kaw kamang mara wa yang she kanau naw wa e gaw kajawng ti Baren ngu gahtam dat ai Baren kaw hkra na she Langa wawn wa daw lahkawng rai mat ai da. Rai yang hkai naw kanau wa gaw htaw n mai hka hkrang de kap wa kahpu wa gaw nan sin na hkrang maga de kap wa rai na ya kahpu wa gaw Woi shi zup, woi shi zup ngu ai kaw woi num la ti nga ai da. Kanau wa gaw nmai hku maga de lung wa yang dai mi shawng hkai ai mam sha Galang e mam sha ma wa ai majaw Galang gap kau na matu wa hkan shaga ai da. Hkai naw wa ning-um bum na mam sha Galang tsip wa yu yang dung nai ru sin up da ai na Galang tsip n mu na kahpu kaw tawng nhtu nga ai chye majaw kahpu hpang yu wa mali hka ning dam nna dai kahpu a madu jan garat woi num gaw hka chying ma ngu tam sha taw nga "Nan kaw hka n sung a ni mai rap a ni sung sung tang tang magyi hka-ang" masum lang gahtap san tim ding nga hka din nna lamu hkan ntsa de ten rap, rap wa yu yang gaw ja shing noi mu "Aw ndai gaw nye kahpu ni ai nga na" ja shin noi dai lang ti lung wa kahpu gaw woi kasha woi ti nga taw ai da. "E hpu e shinggyim masha ni a ma mam sha Galang e sha ma maw wa sai Galang naw wa gap kau ga" ngu "E ndai nsha ni hpe kaning di tawn da na" "Hkum tsan u hpun lu sha tam ga" nga Ukrit gadawn tam nam si nam saw lahkawn nna tawn da nna dai ning-um bum de lung wa sai da. Shan kahpu kanau lahkawng gaw ding dung nai ru hkam jahku kaba de dai hpe dan kau na lap saw na htaw mam sha Galang tsip mu ai de gap jahkrat dat Ning-um bum kaw gap dat ai, ntawk ja ra yang ngu ai kaw hkrat si ai da. Galang ni gaw Galang dai hpra sha ai da Wunpawng sha ni magyi sha ai ni gaw shapawt ngu ai magyi pawt hkan ni (A nar seing) shakru zawn re byin wa ai da. Salum sha ai ni gaw sai pra nna si wa ai baw lasaw ngu byin wa ai da. Layung sha ai ni gaw ya lamyin num ju law ngu ai lamying masha a nhpye manaw yang hpye wa hpang ni nga ai da. Rai na dai hpra sha ai Galang hpra sha ai hkang kaw she mati ti tai ai ngu manu mana kaba ai re ai langai tu ai da. Dai hpe gaw shawng lai ai ni gaw mati lap ye shadu sha hpang lai ai ni gaw shi na pawt hkring lang shadu sha hpang lai ai ni pawt shadu sha e pawt pyi n dai ram mu ai gaw lap sha ai ni kade mu kun ngu shada manaw ntsen hkat lap sha ai ni mung pawt de grau mu na sai nga na ntsen hkat dai shani kaw na ndai manang wa hpe kan machyi ai ngu nam pung ngu ai machyi ai ngu ndai kaw nga hpang ai re. Wunpawng sha ni a hpyi su ai hpyi sawp ai ti sawp kawa ai ngu ning pawt gaw ndai kaw hpang ai re. . Language as given: Jinghpaw
Format:Digitised: no Media: Audio
Identifier (URI):http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK1/0734
Language (ISO639):kac
Rights:Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Subject:Kachin language
Subject (ISO639):kac
Subject (OLAC):language_documentation
Table Of Contents (URI):http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK1/0734/KK1-0734-A.eaf
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/paradisec.org.au
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:paradisec.org.au:KK1-0734
DateStamp:  2025-01-22
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Keita Kurabe (compiler); Keita Kurabe (depositor); N. Gum Ja Naw (speaker). 2017. Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC).
Terms: area_Asia country_MM dcmi_Sound iso639_kac olac_language_documentation olac_primary_text olac_text_and_corpus_linguistics

Inferred Metadata

Country: Myanmar
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Fri Mar 14 2:40:49 EDT 2025