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OLAC Record oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1155834 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Getting lost while picking mushrooms // Пошли за грибами и заблудились | |
APN_zabludilisj | ||
Documentation of Negidal, a nearly extinct Northern Tungusic language of the Lower Amur | ||
Contributor (annotator): | N. Sumbatova | |
B. Pakendorf | ||
Contributor (depositor): | N. Aralova | |
Contributor (speaker): | A.P. Nadeina | |
A.E. Truba | ||
Contributor (translator): | G.I. Kandakova | |
Coverage: | Russia | |
Date: | 2007-08-14 | |
Description: | Elena Kalinina and Ol'ga Birjuk recorded this narrative from Anna Porfir’evna Nadeina in August 2007. Later it was partly transcribed, probably by Nina Sumbatova with the help of Galina Ivanovna Kandakova. In 2018, Brigitte Pakendorf transcribed the whole story in ELAN, glossed it, and checked questions with Galina Ivanovna Kandakova. Anna Porfir’evna tells how she and her friend got lost in the forest when they went for picking mushrooms. They spent the night in the forest and heard some gun shots, but did not meet any hunters (probably because those were illegally hunting elk). Next day they were found by the chairman of the state farm. // Эта история записана Еленой Калининой и Ольгой Бирюк от Анны Порфирьевны Надеиной в августе 2007 года. Анна Порфирьевна рассказывает от том, как она и ее подруга заблудились в лесу, собирая грибы. Они провели в лесу всю ночь, слышали выстрелы охотников, но не встретились с ними (возможно, потому что те охотились на лося, что было тогда запрещено). На следующий день их нашел председатель колхоза. | |
This project focuses on the documentation of Negidal, a highly moribund Northern Tungusic language spoken by at most a handful of individuals on the Amgun’ and Lower Amur rivers in the Russian Federation. The language comprises two dialects, Upper and Lower Negidal, of which the latter might already be extinct. The project will result primarily in an extensive corpus of interlinearized texts from the Upper dialect together with accompanying audio recordings. | ||
Anna P. Nadeina was born in October 1916. Her father was a Negidal, her mother, who died when she was six, a Nanai. She has only minimal education ("likbez", literacy school), and worked in the village bakery, as a cleaner in the school, and in the kindergarten laundry.She is the mother of Daria and Tamara Nadeina, Galina Kandakova, and Ljubov' Oxlopkova. | ||
Aleksandra Truba worked as a nurse and doctor's assistant. She spent two years in Ukraine with her Ukrainian husband when her children were small. Her father was an Evenk, so that she uses quite a lot of Evenki words. | ||
Worked as a librarian and in the village "club" (the venue for all cultural activities). | ||
Linguist involved in data collection 2005-2010. | ||
Linguist working on previously collected data. | ||
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
text/x-eaf+xml | ||
application/pdf | ||
Identifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1155834 | |
MDP0346 | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1155834%23 | |
Publisher: | Brigitte Pakendorf | |
DDL, CNRS & Université Lyon 2 | ||
Subject: | Narrative | |
Russian language | ||
Negidal language | ||
English language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | rus | |
neg | ||
eng | ||
Type: | Audio | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Endangered Languages Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1155834 | |
DateStamp: | 2018-10-11 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | A.P. Nadeina (speaker); A.E. Truba (speaker); G.I. Kandakova (translator); N. Sumbatova (annotator); B. Pakendorf (annotator); N. Aralova (depositor). 2007-08-14. Brigitte Pakendorf. | |
Terms: | area_Europe country_GB country_RU iso639_eng iso639_neg iso639_rus | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomRussian Federation | |
Area: | Europe |