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OLAC Record oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1144694 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Man with a sense of humour // Человек с чувством юмора | |
APN_shutnik | ||
Documentation of Negidal, a nearly extinct Northern Tungusic language of the Lower Amur | ||
Contributor: | N. Sumbatova | |
S. Toldova | ||
E. Kalinina | ||
Contributor (annotator): | B. Pakendorf | |
Contributor (depositor): | N. Aralova | |
Contributor (speaker): | A.P. Nadeina | |
D.I. Nadeina | ||
Contributor (translator): | G.I. Kandakova | |
Coverage: | Russia | |
Date: | 2008-01-17 | |
Description: | This recording was made by E. Kalinina, S. Todova and N. Sumbatova from Anna Porfir’evna Nadeina in 2008. In 2018, Brigitte Pakendorf transcribed it in ELAN, glossed it, and checked questions with Galina Ivanovna Kandakova. A. P. Nadeina tells two anecdotes about an easy-going man of whom she and her friends made fun. Once they were asking him some private questions about his wedding night and another time they bound knives, pots, and little axes to his legs while he was sleeping. However, he could turn it all into a joke and did not take in as an offence. D.I. Nadeina is also present. // Эта запись была сделана Еленой Калининой, Светланой Толдовой и Ниной Сумбатовой от Анны Порфирьевны Надеиной в 2008 году. Анна Порфирьевна рассказывает два забавных случая об одном добродушном мужчине, над которым она и ее подруги не раз подшучивали. Один раз они стали задавать ему нескомные вопросы о его первой брачной ночи, а в другой раз они привязали разные предметы к его ногам (ножи, кастрюльки и маленькие топорики), пока он спал. Но этот человек умел все обернуть в шутку и не обижался. | |
This project focuses on the documentation of Negidal, a highly moribund Northern Tungusic language spoken by at most a handful of individuals on the Amgun’ and Lower Amur rivers in the Russian Federation. The language comprises two dialects, Upper and Lower Negidal, of which the latter might already be extinct. The project will result primarily in an extensive corpus of interlinearized texts from the Upper dialect together with accompanying audio recordings. | ||
Anna P. Nadeina was born in October 1916. Her father was a Negidal, her mother, who died when she was six, a Nanai. She has only minimal education ("likbez", literacy school), and worked in the village bakery, as a cleaner in the school, and in the kindergarten laundry.She is the mother of Daria and Tamara Nadeina, Galina Kandakova, and Ljubov' Oxlopkova. | ||
Linguist involved in data collection 2005-2010. | ||
Linguist working on previously collected data. | ||
Worked as a librarian and in the village "club" (the venue for all cultural activities). | ||
Worked in the kindergarten as teacher and director, worked as a schoolteacher, in a shop, and also in the village administration. Is very active in maintaining Negidal culture and the language. | ||
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
application/pdf | ||
text/x-eaf+xml | ||
Identifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1144694 | |
MDP0346 | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1144694%23 | |
Publisher: | Brigitte Pakendorf | |
DDL, CNRS & Université Lyon 2 | ||
Subject: | Narrative | |
Negidal language | ||
Russian language | ||
English language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | neg | |
rus | ||
eng | ||
Type: | Audio | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Endangered Languages Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1144694 | |
DateStamp: | 2018-04-07 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | A.P. Nadeina (speaker); N. Sumbatova; S. Toldova; E. Kalinina; B. Pakendorf (annotator); G.I. Kandakova (translator); N. Aralova (depositor); D.I. Nadeina (speaker). 2008-01-17. Brigitte Pakendorf. | |
Terms: | area_Europe country_GB country_RU iso639_eng iso639_neg iso639_rus | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomRussian Federation | |
Area: | Europe |