OLAC Record

Title:HYJ1 and HGS1 chatting
A multi-modal documentation of Jejuan conversations
Contributor (depositor):Soung-U Kim (depositor)
Contributor (researcher):Soung-U Kim (researcher)
Contributor (speaker):HGS1 (speaker)
HYJ1 (speaker)
Soung-U Kim (speaker)
Coverage:South Korea
Description:HGS1 tells HYJ1 about her memories of living in Japan during colonial times. The carry on talking about the ways houses are constructed, and how there are cold drafts inside. They reminisce in their memories on floor heating in old Jejuan houses. With SUK1 joining in later, talk about exercising, and about the existence of venomous spiders in Jeju. The ladies talk about how scary it is to walk outside at night, and how light effects at night led to the myth of monsters and ghosts over fields.
This project aims at building an annotated audio-video corpus of spoken Jejuan with a focus on conversational genres, supplementing existing documentation of narratives and songs.
Her family is mostly from Jimnyeong, only great-grandfather from Taeheung in the South. Her husband's family originates in Southern Jeolla, in Yeongam. Went to Japan at the age of 3, got back at the age of 15, 4.3 incident at 17. Her father had a factory in Deokcheon, but they had to give it up because of the 4.3 massacres. Mother of four children, two sons and two daughters, widow. 84 as of 2016.
Born in Jimnyeong until she moved to Haengwon because of her husband. Now widowed mother of three daughters.
Main researcher of current documentation project, as of 2016, PhD student in Linguistics at SOAS London. German-Korean descent, got to London after his BA studies.
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1046086%23
Publisher:Soung-U Kim
SOAS London
Korean language
English language
Subject (ISO639):kor


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1046086
DateStamp:  2018-06-28
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: HGS1 (speaker) (speaker); HYJ1 (speaker) (speaker); Soung-U Kim (speaker) (speaker); Soung-U Kim (depositor) (depositor); Soung-U Kim (researcher) (researcher). 2015-12-24. Soung-U Kim.
Terms: area_Asia area_Europe country_GB country_KR iso639_eng iso639_jje iso639_kor

Inferred Metadata

Country: United KingdomSouth Korea
Area: AsiaEurope

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 19:54:27 EDT 2021