OLAC Record

Bibliographic Citation:Nandene, Lengu, Danerek, H. Stefan, Danerek, H. Stefan, Danerek, H. Stefan; 2015-06-18; Genre: Biographical/interview. Title. Cibo susu. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about how she learned her tales. Her parents Nua and Methi used to tell during the evenings, and also her father and Ngaji Legane told tales. Like in several of the recordings from this day, there are several voices, especially Mama Yuli, who is doing the questioning here. From the third recording session with Lengu Nande, 18 June 2015. She had said that she had no more tales, but she had (also a couple for a fourth session). Recorded with the AT2020 mic in the house of Pui and Yuli (chosen for all recordings with her). It opens withMama Yuli's voice. Present were Maria Methi (heard in a few recordings) and her mother Yuli (also heard in a few recordings) and a few neighbours. It is partly transcribed and not translated. Scroll. Photos in SD1-044 to SD1-050, and in SD1-025 to SD1-028; digital wav file recorded at 48 khz/24 bit, eaf file, photo jpeg file; Kaipuleohone University of Hawai'i Digital Language Archive;http://hdl.handle.net/10125/38952.
Contributor (depositor):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (recorder):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (researcher):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (speaker):Nandene, Lengu
Coverage (ISO3166):ID
Date (W3CDTF):2015-06-18
Description:Genre: Biographical/interview. Title. Cibo susu. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about how she learned her tales. Her parents Nua and Methi used to tell during the evenings, and also her father and Ngaji Legane told tales. Like in several of the recordings from this day, there are several voices, especially Mama Yuli, who is doing the questioning here. From the third recording session with Lengu Nande, 18 June 2015. She had said that she had no more tales, but she had (also a couple for a fourth session). Recorded with the AT2020 mic in the house of Pui and Yuli (chosen for all recordings with her). It opens withMama Yuli's voice. Present were Maria Methi (heard in a few recordings) and her mother Yuli (also heard in a few recordings) and a few neighbours. It is partly transcribed and not translated. Scroll. Photos in SD1-044 to SD1-050, and in SD1-025 to SD1-028
Region: Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain.
Format:digital wav file recorded at 48 khz/24 bit
eaf file
photo jpeg file
Identifier (URI):http://hdl.handle.net/10125/38952
Language (ISO639):ple
Subject:Palu'e language
Subject (ISO639):ple
Table Of Contents:SD1-049.eaf
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  Kaipuleohone
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/38952
DateStamp:  2021-11-24
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Nandene, Lengu (speaker); Danerek, H. Stefan (recorder); Danerek, H. Stefan (researcher); Danerek, H. Stefan (depositor). 2015. Kaipuleohone.
Terms: area_Asia country_ID dcmi_Image dcmi_Sound dcmi_Text iso639_ple olac_primary_text

Inferred Metadata

Country: Indonesia
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Sun Sep 1 7:30:39 EDT 2024