OLAC Record

Title:Jim McKinley - interview
Access Rights:standard
Description:James McKinley from Copper Center,born on May 3, 1899. Dad's name was McKinley George. His Mom was Chief Stickwan's daughter, Elena. Tsisyu clan. Mother's Dad was Chief in Copper Center, Chief Stickwan. Chief Stickwan was his Grandpa. Last respect for person who died is pretty hard to do. Used to put salmon grease on the person. Used to have potlatch when they were ready to have potlatch. Blankets and gun for potlatch as long as they got it. It was up to you to give furs away. Is there a word for subsistence? c'etsiinae'? Subsistence is not important to him today because he all ready done it. Some like to hunt, some don't. Big Charley, his Dad, Gene Nicholai's Dad all trained him. Underwood Charley trained him alot too. Walter Charley's brother, Underwood. Good thing to learn old ways. Had training like school when he was kids. How to do things, potlatch and everything, how to treat each other. Do you think we should learn Indian way? If you finish white man school then learn Indian way. White man know you too smart that is why they don't teach you good. Fished down at Wood Camp in the summer time. Before 1912 used Ciisii, dip net for fishing. 1912 Frank Carroll went down Yukon and saw fish wheel, then fish wheel was made out of roots and wood. Dip net was made out of roots. Sockeye go by in May month. Law is no good for us because of the fish that all ready went by. Prepare for winter after fishing. Trapping and hunting. Da'diina. March month everyone come back after hunting and trapping in winter. What was arrows made out of? Birch Is that area good for hunting, trapping and fishing? No, because of radar, no good no more. Did pipeline hurt anything? No, don't think so. Will backscatter hurt subsistence? Don't like radar, no good. Don't think we see moose no more there. When Air Force comes there will be more people around, is there anything you want Ahtna to tell them? Don't know how it is going to work but knows that Dry Creek was bad for the Indians. What message you want for the Air Force? We don't like it before something going on, now we know why. Very interest. . Language as given: aht
Format:Digitised: 0; Media: compact cassette; Media description: Maxwell UR 90
Language (ISO639):aht
Subject:Ahtena language
English language
Subject (ISO639):aht


Archive:  C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/ahtnaheritagefoundation.com
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:ahtnaheritagefoundation.com:OTHB01-0015-01
DateStamp:  1988-09-21
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: n.a. 1988-09-21. C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive.
Terms: area_Americas area_Europe country_GB country_US iso639_aht iso639_eng

Inferred Metadata

Country: United KingdomUnited States
Area: AmericasEurope

Up-to-date as of: Mon Apr 28 0:10:43 EDT 2014