OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Saafi-Saafi language

ISO 639-3: sav

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Boukhou, Diobass, Hasab, Saafi, Safen, Safi, Safi-Safi, Sebikotane, Sereer Saafen, Serer-Safen, Serere-Saafen, Sindia

Use faceted search to explore resources for Saafi-Saafi language.

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINESaafi-Saafi Swadesh List. n.a. n.d. The Rosetta Project: A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_sav_swadesh-1

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Saafi-Saafi. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:saaf1238

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINESaafi-Saafi: a language of Senegal. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:sav
  2. ONLINEDistinction, integration and identity: motivations for local language literacy in Senegalese communities. Trudell, Barbara. 2010. SIL International. oai:sil.org:5009
  3. Ɓiɗsiɗiŋ-ŋgo koc 5. Seck, Rokhaya. 2001. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:39709
  4. Kakaan kaŋ inaa-taaŋg ca. Seck, Rokhaya. 2002. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:39733
  5. Saafi, ɓoo fiisaat peɗmi ɓoo ɓap. Seck, Rokhaya. 2000. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:39745
  6. Ɓiɗsiɗiŋ-ŋgo koc 5. Seck, Rokhaya. 2004. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:39755
  7. Ndunaŋ moon. Seck, Rokhaya. 2001. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:39756
  8. Ƴeek Ndoom ŋ Poɓngin Saafi. Faye, Rokhaya. 2015. SIL International. oai:sil.org:63424
  9. ONLINEEnquête sociolinguistique sur les langues cangin de la région de Thiès au Sénégal. Williams, Gordon; Williams, Sara. 2021. SIL International. oai:sil.org:91890
  10. ONLINEIntelligibility and Language Boundaries among the Cangin Peoples of Senegal. Williams, Gordon. 2021. SIL International. oai:sil.org:91891

Other known names and dialect names: Boukhou, Diobass, Hasab, Saafi, Safen, Safi, Safi-Safi, Sebikotane, Sereer Saafen, Serer-Safen, Serere-Saafen, Sindia

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Sep 27 6:20:57 EDT 2024