OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Western Arrarnta language

ISO 639-3: are

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Akara, Akerre, Aranda, Western Arrarnta, Arunta, Southern Aranda, Western Aranda

Use faceted search to explore resources for Western Arrarnta language.

Primary texts

  1. ONLINEAranda verses - Strehlow. Don Laycock (compiler); Don Laycock (recorder). n.d. Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC). oai:paradisec.org.au:DL1-031
  2. ONLINEcollection of 17 33 1/3 RPM records collected by Strehlow. Stephen (S.A.) Wurm (compiler); Stephen (S.A.) Wurm (recorder); Nicholas Evans (consultant). 1975. Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC). oai:paradisec.org.au:SAW1-001
  3. ONLINEGenesis. The Bible Society in Australia. 1997. The Rosetta Project: A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_are_gen-1

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINECrúbadán language data for Western Arrarnta. Kevin Scannell. 2018. The Crúbadán Project. oai:crubadan.org:are
  2. ONLINEArrarnta, Western Swadesh List. n.a. n.d. The Rosetta Project: A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_are_swadesh-1

Language descriptions

  1. Oceania monographs no. 3, 5-7. Elkin, A. P. (Adolphus Peter), 1891-1979; Capell, Arthur; Williams, F. E. (Francis Edgar); Strehlow, T. G. H. (Theodor George Henry), 1908-1978. 1938-1945. Sydney : Australian National Research Council. oai:gial.edu:6480
  2. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Western Arrarnta. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:west2441
  3. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Western Arrarnta. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:west2441
  4. ONLINEThe Arran'da Language, Central Australia, In: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 40(167):140-148. Mathews, R.H. 1907. American Philosophical Society. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_are_morsyn-1
  5. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Arrernte (Western). n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:awe

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEArrandic Phonetics. Strehlow, T. G. H. 1942. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:1842
  2. ONLINEAranda Phonetics and Grammar. Strehlow, T. G. H. 1944. Australian National Research Council. oai:refdb.wals.info:2789
  3. ONLINESome Instruments Are Really Good Companions - Some Are Not. On Syncretism and the Typology of Instrumentals and Comitatives. Stolz, Thomas. 1996. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:3933
  4. ONLINEArrarnta, Western: a language of Australia. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:are
  5. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Arrarnta, Western. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_are

Other resources in the language

  1. ONLINEApere. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32524
  2. ONLINEApme ante thipe. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32528
  3. ONLINEApme kenhe ine. Williams, Sadie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32530
  4. ONLINEApmele areme Ntyetyharre. Morgan, David (illustrator); Williamson, Robin (illustrator); Latham, Elizabeth (illustrator); Shanahan, Lindsay (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32532
  5. ONLINEArltele / Ingwele. Bluett, Lesley (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45080
  6. ONLINEarre-arre. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45081
  7. ONLINEArre-arre welye. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45082
  8. ONLINEArrkwetye mapele merne busherenge inamenge. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32534
  9. ONLINEArtwe, werre ante irrentye kngwelye irtnwere. Inkamala, Rhonda. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32536
  10. ONLINEAthe iwenhe areme. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45083
  11. ONLINEBushele. Morgan, David (illustrator); Williamson, Robin (illustrator); Latham, Elizabeth (illustrator); Shanahan, Lindsay (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32538
  12. ONLINEIlwempe iperre tyalangke. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45084
  13. ONLINEInarlenge kerte. Williams, Sadie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32540
  14. ONLINEInarlenge kweke kerte. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32542
  15. ONLINEIneke ntyeme. Morgan, David (illustrator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32526
  16. ONLINEIne nhanhe mape kwatye-renye. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32544
  17. ONLINEIntelyapelyape yewentheme iwepeke. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32546
  18. ONLINEItethe iwepeke. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32548
  19. ONLINEIwenhe kere nanhe?. Rubuntja, Jeannie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32550
  20. ONLINEIwenhe nanhe?. Ramjohn, Marie (illustrator); Inkamala, Jennifer (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32552
  21. ONLINEIwenhe nwerne areme?. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32554
  22. ONLINEIwenhe Unte Areme. Ramjohn, Marie (illustrator); Inkamala, Jennifer (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45085
  23. ONLINEIwenhe yenge neme?. Inkamala, Brenda. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32556
  24. ONLINEIwepe ngayele nthurre. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32558
  25. ONLINEKatjia kngarritja parta-urna lhaka. Mooney, Meg (editor). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:43016
  26. ONLINEKatjia kuka ntjaarra parta-urna lhaka. Mooney, Meg (editor). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:43017
  27. ONLINEKereke yewenthetyeke. O'Brien, Doris; Rubuntja, Eli. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32560
  28. ONLINEKetyeye mape lheke kwatyewerne. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45086
  29. ONLINEKngwelye therre uthnerrekale yeye kerte. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32562
  30. ONLINEKoko-nhe ine kwete itname. Morgan, David (illustrator); Williamson, Robin (illustrator); Latham, Elizabeth (illustrator); Shanahan, Lindsay (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32564
  31. ONLINEKwatja-ringa nthanhai?. Mooney, Meg (editor). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:43018
  32. ONLINEKwerrkwerrke. Williams, Sadie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32566
  33. ONLINELakenhe/Lakenhe. Bluett, Lesley (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32568
  34. ONLINELangkwe Inetyeke. Rubuntja, Eli. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32570
  35. ONLINELanhe apme. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32572
  36. ONLINELanhe ileye. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32574
  37. ONLINELanhe inarlenge. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32576
  38. ONLINELanhe kerarre. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32578
  39. ONLINELanhe kngwelye irtnwere. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32580
  40. ONLINELanhe kwarre. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32582
  41. ONLINELanhe remeye. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32584
  42. ONLINELanhe thipe. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32586
  43. ONLINELanhe tyene nweke mape. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32588
  44. ONLINELanhe werre. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45087
  45. ONLINEMerne iwenhe rrateme ine nanhenge?. Ramjohn, Marie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32590
  46. ONLINEMerne iwenhe rrateme irne nanhenge?. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45088
  47. ONLINEMerne putyerenye. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45089
  48. ONLINEMerne Wangkeye. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32592
  49. ONLINENanhe neme inenge .... McCormack, Jannette. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45090
  50. ONLINENanhe tyweke-tyweke kweke kwartenge rrateme. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45091
  51. ONLINENhanhe intelyapelyape. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45092
  52. ONLINENhanhe intelyapelyape-kenhe ...?. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45093
  53. ONLINENhanhe iwenhe kenhe mape. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45094
  54. ONLINENhanhe neme ngkwarle untyampe. Inkamala, Rhonda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45095
  55. ONLINENhanhe ngkwarle iwenhe?. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45096
  56. ONLINENhanhe tyene nweke mape. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45097
  57. ONLINENthakenhe itethe ntyetyarre nekale. Raggatt, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45098
  58. ONLINENthakentye ilpelhe nhanhe?. Raggatt, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45099
  59. ONLINENthanheke kakwerte arrerneme?. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45100
  60. ONLINENthanhele arre kweke nwekenhe?. Williams, Sadie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45101
  61. ONLINENthanhele neme?. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45102
  62. ONLINENurna Ltaarlarltuma-urna lhaka. Mooney, Meg (editor). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:43022
  63. ONLINENurna Ntjwia-Karra-urna lhaka. Mooney, Meg (editor). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:43023
  64. ONLINENurna urlpaiya-urna lhaka. Mooney, Meg (editor). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:43024
  65. ONLINENwerne iltareke kere tyunpe nyente Ellery Gorgeke. Williams, Sadie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45103
  66. ONLINENwerne lheke busele iwepeke ywenthetyeke. Inkamala, Jennifer. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45104
  67. ONLINENwerne lheke busele iwepeke ywenthetyeke COLOUR. Inkamala, Jennifer. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45105
  68. ONLINENwerne lheke pmere irlenge nthurre kere rengeke. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45106
  69. ONLINENyingke. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45107
  70. ONLINEPepe Nanhe intelhileke ante Ntulye twerte mpareke. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45108
  71. ONLINEPlewene. Morgan, David (illustrator); Williamson, Robin (illustrator); Latham, Elizabeth (illustrator); Shanahan, Lindsay (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32594
  72. ONLINEPmere kngwelye knganentye (1). Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45109
  73. ONLINEPmere kngwelye knganentye (2). Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45110
  74. ONLINEPutyerenye Merne. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45111
  75. ONLINETayele areme. Heffernan, Margaret. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45113
  76. ONLINETayele areme. [Heffernan, Margaret]. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45112
  77. ONLINEThipe. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45114
  78. ONLINETnyere Tnyere Ante Ntyweye Ipenhe. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45115
  79. ONLINETyarte. Rubuntja, Jeannie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45116
  80. ONLINEUltampe. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45117
  81. ONLINEUrlpatye. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45118
  82. ONLINEUrrpetye, therre ape nyente, therre, nyente. Bluett, Lesley (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45119
  83. ONLINEWelentye arkenhe. Davis, Christine. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45120
  84. ONLINEWelentye tere-irreke. Davis, Christine. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45121
  85. ONLINEWelentye yirrknge. Davis, Christine. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45122
  86. ONLINEWerre irrare-irrare. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45123
  87. ONLINEWerte. Bluett, Lesley (illustrator); Inkamala, Brenda (translator). n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45124
  88. ONLINEWilye pere-iperre. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45125
  89. ONLINEYalke kngerrtye nthurre. Raggett, Louise. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45126
  90. ONLINEYeperenye. Rubuntja, Eli. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45127
  91. ONLINEYeperenye ketyeye ntyarre merneke yewenthetyeke lheme. Rubuntja, Eli. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45128
  92. ONLINEYeye apme kwerlaye-iperre. Inkamala, Jennifer. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:32596
  93. ONLINEYeye kere nthanhe marre iltaremale ilkwetyeke-iperre kerte. n.a. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45129
  94. ONLINEYeye Parlpirremele Ine Itnenge Iwenhe Mperetyeke Kerte. Brannson, Peggy. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45130
  95. ONLINEYeye werre lheke irrentyeke yewenthetyeke kerte. Raggett, Louise; Sharpe, Nanette. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45131
  96. ONLINEYiye kngwelye kweke kerte. Ferber, Rosie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45132
  97. ONLINEYiye Kweke. Palmer, Leonie. n.d. Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages. oai:espace.cdu.edu.au:cdu:45133

Other known names and dialect names: Akara, Akerre, Aranda, Western Arrarnta, Arunta, Southern Aranda, Western Aranda

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, discourse, stories, conversation, dialogue, documentation, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Sat Sep 28 18:49:36 EDT 2024